Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Shelter Cluster shelter and NFI response areas, Efate(...
Shelter and non food item (NFI) response for emergency: where lead agencies are planning assessment and distribution in Efate Island (with detail for Port Vila). -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Summary of Shelter Cluster Item Delivery as of 25th Ma...
Shelter Item delivery across affected area. Includes underdelivery , needs met and overdelivery of items based on needs assessment for each island. -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Kitchen Sets - Needs, Delivered, For Delivery and Gaps...
Map shows information on the number of kitchen sets required, delivered and for delivery per island. The gap is the difference between the requirement needs and what has been... -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Blankets -Needs, Delivered, For Deliveryand Gaps- Mala...
Map shows information on the number of blankets required, delivered and for delivery per island. The gap is the difference between the requirement needs and what has been... -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Tarpaulin - Needs,Delivered, For Deliveryand Gaps - Ma...
Map shows information on the number of tarpaulin required, delivered and for delivery per island. The gap is the difference between the requirement needs and what has been... -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Shelters -Needs, Delivered, For Deliveryand Gaps- Mala...
Map shows information on the number of shelters required, delivered and for delivery per island. The gap is the difference between the requirement needs and what has been... -
Vanuatu: Cyclone PAM - Shelter Distribution Priority Plan (as of 22 Mar 2015)
Map shows the priority areas based upon the preliminary needs analysis.