Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak:Location & Status of Ebola Treatment Units and Cu...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 07/11/2014)Cumulative confirmed case totals are shown for each district, with 7/14/21 day totals... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak:VHF Case Totals by Chiefdom and Section (in WA)(W...
Map shows the total cases (26/10).from weeks 14 (31/3) -> 43from the WHO VHF database. Within Western Area this is at Section admin level, and outside Western Area at... -
Reference map of Kambia District,Sierra LeoneShowing Schools/ Existing Health...
This dataset has no description
Reference map of Kono District,Sierra LeoneShowing Schools/ Existing Health F...
This dataset has no description
Reference map of Koinadugu District,Sierra Leone Showing Schools/ Existing He...
This dataset has no description
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and Cases in last 21, 14 and ...
Map shows the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of cases over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days in the period up to 4 November 2014. A graph... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak: Location & Status of Ebola Treatment Units and C...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 05/11/2014) and cumulative confirmed case totals for each district as of 5th Nov 2014. -
Cumulative Ebola Cases and Building Density in Freetown, Sierra Leone<FNT name =
Building polygon data as at 31/10/2014 - not complete, use for indicative purposes only -
Cumulative Ebola Cases and Building Density in Freetown, Sierra Leone<FNT name =
Building polygon data as at 31/10/2014 - not complete, use for indicative purposes only -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak: Location & Status of Ebola Treatment Units and C...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 05/11/2014) and cumulative confirmed case totals for each district as of 4th Nov 2014 -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and Cases in last 21, 14 and ...
Map shows the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of cases over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days in the period up to 4 November 2014. A graph... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Kenema Di...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Western A...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Tonkolli ...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Port Loko...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Moyamba D...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Kono Dist...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Koinadugu...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Kambia Di...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - GSM Mobile Phone Network Coverage in Kailahun ...
Map shows the GSM mobile phone network coverage for districts in Sierra Leone, based on data received from the ETC. This is a combined coverage map for all networks operating in...