Population Distribution and Density map of Suriname at District level
Map shows the population distribution across the Districts of Suriname as well as the population density per km2 -
Population Distribution and Density map of Suriname at District level
Map shows the population distribution across the Districts of Suriname as well as the population density per km2 -
Ash storage locations (as at 10 May 2021)
Map shows the slopes of Saint Vincent and the location of known ash storage. -
Modelled drainage channels
Map shows modelled drainage channels using a combination of 5m and 30m resolution elevation data. Whilst many of the channelsdo have water (i.e. streams and rivers) in them some... -
Slopes (degrees) of Saint Vincent
Map shows the slopes of Saint Vincent and the extent of the ash from the La Soufrière eruptions. -
Multi-hazard risks of Saint Vincent atlas
Map showing possible impacts of a modelled volcanic hazards (specifically landslides and possible routes for lahars) and hydrological hazard (specifically flash flood). The... -
Multi-hazard risks of Saint Vincent (as at 30 Apr 2021)
Map showing possible impacts of a modelled volcanic hazards (specifically landslides and possible routes for lahars) and hydrological hazard (specifically flash flood). The... -
Agricultural land cover and volcanic hazards
Map shows landuse in Saint Vincent and the extent of the ash from the La Soufrière eruptions. -
Protected Areas and overview of volcanic activity (at 22/04/2021)
This map shows the observed events from the current eruption. Much of this has been done by remote sensing and has yet to be verified on the ground. -
Transportation Overview (as of 20 Apr 2021)
Map showing the status of the transportation network of St. Vincent -
Land cover and volcanic hazards
Map shows landuse in Saint Vincent and the extent of the ash from the La Soufrière eruptions.