Storm path for cylones Batsirai (actual) and Emnati (predicted as of 19 Feb 2...
Storm path for cylones Batsirai (actual on 6th Feb 2022) and Emnati (predicted as of 19 Feb 2022) with population density (2020 estimate) All forecasted storm positions, path... -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Response - Assessment of Drought Impact - Conflict
The map provides an overview of drought conditions as reported through household surveys from 6-15th November 2021. The bar charts provide the percentage reported responses on... -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Response - Assessment of Drought Impact - Livestock...
The map provides an overview of drought conditions as reported through household surveys from 6-15th November 2021. The bar charts provide the percentage reported responses on... -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Response - Assessment of Drought Impact - Crop Losses
The map provides an overview of drought and crop conditions as reported through household surveys from 6-15th November 2021. The bar charts provide the percentage reported... -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Response - Assessment of Drought Impact - Drought L...
The map provides an overview of drought conditions as reported through household surveys from 6-15th November 2021. The bar charts provide the percentage reported responses on... -
Mananjary Assessment (10th Feb 2022)
This map shows the results of a damage assessment survey done by the ECP teams in Mananjary on 10th Feb2022 -
Building damage based on analysed Copernicus imagery (6th-9th Feb)
Building damage based on Copernicus Data -
Cumulative rainfall from 1st to 7th February 2022, elevation and rivers
Map shows the 7 day cumulative rainfall, storm track, rivers and elevation during Cyclone Batsirai. -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Response - Assessment of Drought Impact - Drought L...
The map provides an overview of drought conditions as reported through household surveys from 6-15th November 2021. The bar charts provide the percentage reported responses on... -
ASAL Humanitarian Network Drought Response and IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase
The map shows the targeted number of households by ward for the planned and ongoing multi-purpose cash program implemented by the ASAL Humanitarian Network. Underlying this is... -
Forecasted and actual storm path with population density (2020 estimate) - as...
Map shows the actual and forecasted storm track (as at 07 Feb 2022) and with population density. All forecasted storm positions, path and wind speeds are the best available,... -
Cumulative rainfall from 13th to 19th December 2021 along the storm path of S...
These two maps shows the cumulative rainfall that has fallen up to 21 December 2021. The left map shows the 3 day value while the right map shows the 7 day value. -
Population impacted per Municipality against 7 day cumulative rainfall from 1...
Bivariate analysis using the 7 day cumulative rainfall (from 13th - 19th December 2021) provided by the World Meteorological Organisation and the Municipality population using... -
Population impacted per Municipality against 7 day cumulative rainfall from 1...
Bivariate analysis using the 7 day cumulative rainfall (from 13th - 19th December 2021) provided by the World Meteorological Organisation and the Municipality population using... -
Cumulative rainfall from 13th to 19th December 2021 for the Philippines
These two maps shows the cumulative rainfall that has fallen up to 21 December 2021. The left map shows the 3 day value while the right map shows the 7 day value. -
Path of Typhoon Rai (Odette) - as of 17 Dec 21
Map shows the path of the Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) and estimated wind speeds. The cone of uncertainty shows where the storm could go. -
Affected population by Municipality (as of 08:00, 20 Dec 21)
Map shows the affected population per Municipality (admin 3). -
Summary of damage and aid distributed per Commune in Sud, Grand'Anse, and Nip...
One map for each of three Departements: Sud, Grand'Anse, and Nippe. Each map shows the damage status of health facilities, the number of schools damaged, and results of a WASH... -
Département: Summary of damage per Commune, and aid distributed.
Département: Map shows damage status of health facilities, number of schools damaged and results of WASH evaluation survey points. The call out labels summarise the status of...