Cumulative rainfall from 13th to 19th December 2021 for the Philippines

These two maps shows the cumulative rainfall that has fallen up to 21 December 2021. The left map shows the 3 day value while the right map shows the 7 day value.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated December 23, 2021, 23:26 (UTC)
Created December 23, 2021, 23:26 (UTC)
access Public
countries Philippines
createdate 2021-12-23 08:05:28
createtime 20:05
datasource NAMRIA, Natural Earth, EU-JRC, World Meterological Organisation
datum WGS 1984
glideno TC-2021-000202-PHL
jpgfilename ma008-v01-philippines-municipalities-rainfall-300dpi.jpeg
jpgfilesize 1012690
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
language English
language-iso2 en
mapNumber MA008
mapfilename ma008-v01-philippines-municipalities-rainfall
papersize A3
pdffilename ma008-v01-philippines-municipalities-rainfall-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 922430
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
proj WGS 1984 UTM Zone 51N
ref ma008-v01-philippines-municipalities-rainfall
scale 1: 7,000,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary These two maps shows the cumulative rainfall that has fallen up to 21 December 2021. The left map shows the 3 day value while the right map shows the 7 day value.
xmax 128.58
xmin 115.54
ymax 20.2
ymin 3.9