País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Visitas de Campo Conjuntas UNDAC-SINAPRED 24-2...
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País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Salud en Departamentos Afectados por las Lluvi...
Éste mapa muestra información correspondiente al sector salud en los departamentos afectados por las lluvias. Éste mapa incluye el numero de pacientes, la cantidad y nombres... -
País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Visitas de Campo Conjuntas UNDAC-SINAPRED el 2...
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País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Personas Afectadas el 22 oct 2011
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País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Albergues en Mangua el 22 oct 2011
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País: Nicaragua Inundaciónes - Personas Albergadas el 22 oct 2011
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Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and New Cases in last 21, 14 ...
Maps show the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of news cases reported over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days. Data from Sierra Leone Ministry of... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak:Location & Status of Ebola Treatment Units and Cu...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 17/11/2014). Cumulative confirmed case totals and daily case movement/number (as of 17/11/2014) are... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and New Cases in last 21, 14 ...
Maps show the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of news cases reported over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days. Data from Sierra Leone Ministry of... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak: Location & Status of Ebola Treatment Units and C...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 15/11/2014). Cumulative confirmed case totals and daily case movement/number (as of 15/11/2014) are... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak: MoH VHF Case Totals by Chiefdom and Section (in ...
Map shows the total cases from the MoH VHF database from weeks 14 (31/3) to 45 (06/11). Within Western Area this is at Section level, and outside Western Area at Chiefdom level. -
Reference map of Sierra Leone (including Province and District P-Codes)
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Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and New Cases in last 21, 14 ...
Maps show the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of news cases reported over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days. Data from Sierra Leone Ministry of... -
Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak:Location & Status ofEbola Treatment Unitsand Cumu...
Map shows the location and status of the known Ebola Treatment Units (as of 13/11/2014). Cumulative confirmed case totals and daily case movement/number (as of 13/11/2014) are... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and New Cases in last 21, 14 ...
Maps show the cumulative confirmed case numbers by district and the numbers of news cases reported over the last 21 days, 14 days and 7 days. Data from Sierra Leone Ministry of... -
Sierra Leone: Ebola Outbreak - Cumulative Cases and New Cases in last 21, 14 ...
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Sierra Leone Ebola Outbreak:Location & Status ofEbola Treatment Unitsand Cumu...
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