Infraestructura afectada en cada municipio por Departamento: (a 02 Dic 2020)
Infraestructura afectada en cada municipio por Departamento (a 02 Dic 2020) -
Casas destruidas y danadas en cada municipio a nivel departamental: (a 02 Dic...
Casas destruidas y danadas en cada municipio a nivel departamental -
Guatemala: Presencia humanitaria - quién hace qué, dónde en cada departamento...
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector, and who is delivering them, per Department in Guatemala. Satellite derived flood extents are also shown, with population... -
Presencia humanitaria: quién hace qué, dónde en cada municipio, departmento: ...
Mapbook shows the number of reported activities per Sector, and who is delivering them, per Municipality in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown,... -
Honduras: Presencia humanitaria: quién hace qué, dónde en cada municipio, dep...
Mapbook shows who is delivering Sector activities, per Municipality in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas with population density, number of shelters and... -
Guatemala: Number of affected schools by department (26 Nov 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Affected houses by department (26 November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Persons evacuated and in shelter (26 November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: People at risk (26th November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Persons deceased, injured and missing (26th November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Panorama de Municipios (al 28/11/2020)
Flood extent between 1st and 26th November at municipality level (map series) / Areas inundados entre el 1 y el 26 de noviembre a nivel municipal (serie de mapas) -
Honduras: Presencia humanitaria: quién hace qué, dónde en cada municipio, dep...
Mapbook shows the number of reported activities per Sector, and who is delivering them, per Municipality in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown,... -
Honduras: Infraestructura afectada en cada municipio por Departamento (a 01 D...
Infraestructura afectada en cada municipio por Departamento (a 01 Dic 2020) -
Honduras: Personas evacuadas y número de centros de evacuación a nivel munici...
Personas evacuadas y número de centros de evacuación a nivel municipal (a 01 Diciembre 2020 -
Honduras: Población afectada (%) por municipio como porcentaje de la població...
Población afectada (%) por municipio como porcentaje de la población de referencia a las Dic 01 -
Honduras: Presencia Humanitaria por Departamento (a las 2200 el 01 Dic 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Honduras: Casas destruidas y danadas en cada municipio a nivel departamental ...
Casas destruidas y danadas en cada municipio a nivel departamental -
Guatemala: Número de carreteras y puentes afectados / destruidos por Municipi...
Map shows the number of destroyed and affected roads and bridges by department. -
Guatemala: Número de carreteras y puentes afectados / destruidos por Municipi...
MMap shows the number of destroyed and affected roads and bridges by department.