Presencia Humanitaria por Departamento (a las 2100 del 11 de dic 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Huracanes ETA e IOTA - Personas afectadas por departamento e inund...
This map shows the flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota and the affected population at administrative 1 departmental level for Guatemala. -
Presencia Humanitaria por Departamento (a las 2100 del 8 de Dic 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
CENTROAMÉRICA: HURACANES ETA E IOTA - Honduras y Guatemala: personas afectada...
This map shows the storm tracks and flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota. Across Honduras and in the two most highly affected departments in Guatemala the map shows affected... -
Presencia humanitaria: quién hace qué, dónde en cada municipio, departmento (...
Mapbook shows the number of reported activities per Sector, and who is delivering them, per Municipality in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown,... -
Presencia Humanitaria por Departamento (a las 1900 del 7 de Dic 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
CENTROAMÉRICA: HURACANES ETA E IOTA - Honduras y Guatemala: personas afectada...
This map shows the storm tracks and flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota. It also shows estimated affected population at administrative 1 departmental level for Honduras and... -
CENTROAMÉRICA: HURACANES ETA E IOTA - Trayectoria y inundaciones con població...
This map shows the storm tracks and flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota, with baseline administrative 1 level departmental population figures across the affected region... -
CENTRAL AMERICA: HURRICANES ETA AND IOTA Honduras and Guatemala: affected pop...
This map shows the storm tracks and flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota. It also shows estimated affected population figures at administrative 1 departmental level for... -
HONDURAS: TORMENTAS TROPICALS ETA - Noroeste municipios afectados y personas ...
This map shows the affected administration level 2 municipalities for north-west Honduras, population by 30m square (facebook), flood extents (satellite data from 5-9 and 13-17... -
Honduras: Tormentas Tropicals ETA - Noroeste municipios afectados y personas ...
This map shows the affected administration level 2 municipalities for north-west Honduras, population by 30m square (facebook), flood extents (satellite data from 5-9 and 13-17... -
CENTROAMÉRICA: HURACÁN ETA E IOTA - Trayectoria potencial de Iota e inundacio...
This map shows the affected administration level 2 municipalities for Nicaragua and Honduras by flooding from hurricane Eta, with predicted path and potential path cone for... -
CENTROAMÉRICA: HURACÁN IOTA - Trayectoria potencial y poblaciones departament...
This map shows the potentially affected administration level 1 departments, with departmental population for Nicaragua and Honduras, and the predicted hurricane path cone. -
HONDURAS: Presencia humanitaria: quién hace qué, dónde en cada municipio (a l...
Esta serie de mapas muestra quién está realizando actividades por sector y municipio en Honduras. La densidad de población, el número de albergues y su ocupación por municipio... -
NICARAGUA: HURACÁN ETA - Municipios afectados por inundaciones: 13 de noviemb...
This map shows the administration level 2 municipalities for Nicaragua. Named municipalities are those affected by flood extents, derived from satellite imagery (6-9 November... -
Guatemala: Food Security and Flood Threat by Municipality in Izabal
Map showing the food security classification (as of October 2020), as well as landslide threat (as of 16/11/2020) and population figures (2018) in each Municipality. -
Guatemala: Food Security and Landslide Threat in Alta Verapaz
Map showing the food security classification (as of October 2020), as well as landslide threat (as of 16/11/2020) and population figures (2018) in each Municipality. -
Guatemala: Resumen de inundaciones en lugares poblados (al 28/11/2020)
Flood extent between 1st and 26th November at department level (map series) / Areas inundados entre el 1 y el 26 de noviembre a nivel de departamento (serie de mapas) -
Guatemala: Viviendas en riesgo y número de viviendas con daños por Municipio ...
Homes at risk and number of damaged homes by Municipality in Alta Verapaz (as of Nov 27, 2020) -
Guatemala: Personas fallecidas y desaparecidas por Municipio en Izabal (al 27...
Personas fallecidas y desaparecidas por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020)