Guatemala: Admin and Pcode Atlas
Map shows the Departments (Admin 1) and Municipalities (Admin 2) boundaries with Pcodes -
Guatemala: Huracanes ETA e IOTA - Personas afectadas por departamento e inund...
This map shows the flood extents for hurricane Eta and Iota and the affected population at administrative 1 departmental level for Guatemala. -
Guatemala: Food Security and Flood Threat by Municipality in Izabal
Map showing the food security classification (as of October 2020), as well as landslide threat (as of 16/11/2020) and population figures (2018) in each Municipality. -
Guatemala: Food Security and Landslide Threat in Alta Verapaz
Map showing the food security classification (as of October 2020), as well as landslide threat (as of 16/11/2020) and population figures (2018) in each Municipality. -
Guatemala: Personas evacuadas y personas en albergues por Municipio en Alta V...
Personas evacuadas y personas en albergues por Municipio en Alta Verapaz (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Personas fallecidas y desaparecidas por Municipio en Alta Verapaz ...
Personas fallecidas y desaparecidas por Municipio en Alta Verapaz (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Personas evacuadas y personas en albergues por Municipio en Izabal...
Personas evacuadas y personas en albergues por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Personas afectadas y personas en riesgo por Municipio en Izabal (a...
Personas afectadas y personas en riesgo por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Personas afectadas y personas en riesgo por Municipio en Alta Vera...
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Honduras. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Number of affected schools by department (26 Nov 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Affected houses by department (26 November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Persons evacuated and in shelter (26 November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: People at risk (26th November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Persons deceased, injured and missing (26th November 2020)
Map shows the number of reported activities per Sector per Department in Guatemala. Critical and High priority response areas are also shown. -
Guatemala: Panorama de Municipios (al 28/11/2020)
Flood extent between 1st and 26th November at municipality level (map series) / Areas inundados entre el 1 y el 26 de noviembre a nivel municipal (serie de mapas) -
Guatemala: Número de escuelas afectadas por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020)
Número de escuelas afectadas por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Número de escuelas afectadas por Municipio en Alta Verapaz (al 27 ...
Número de escuelas afectadas por Municipio en Izabal (al 27 Nov 2020) -
Guatemala: Alta Verapaz - Municipios suroeste: albergues y hospitales (al 28/...
Shelters and hospitals in impacted in the south-western municipalities. -
Guatemala: Izabal - Municipios del oeste: albergues y hospitales (al 28/11/2020)
Shelters and Hospitals