Atlas of settlements within each district of Belize
A map showing the location of settlements of different type along with major roads and rivers. "Other" refers to persons living along areas that cannot be classified as any... -
Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Hazard
The Global Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Hazard Map presents a quantitative representation of landslide hazard. This component is the mean annual rainfall-triggered landslide... -
Population per settlement for district:
Population per settlement based on 2010 census data (Note urban population is estimated to have increased by 16% between 2011 - 2024) -
Baseline population for 2020 disaggregated by sex and age, by District
District-level (adm1) population from WorldPop (2020) disaggregated by sex and age -
Country overview
Country overview showing administrative boundaries, main settlements, transport infrastructure and natural features -
Country overview map of Belize
Country overview map showing main settlements, transport links, elevation, water features and administrative boundaries