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Tanzania Earthquake response Baseline Population (Census of 2012)
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | 1 |
Last Updated | 25 September 2016, 13:04 (UTC+00:00) |
Created | 21 September 2016, 18:22 (UTC+00:00) |
access | Public |
createdate | 2016-09-25 09:48:09 |
createtime | 09:48 |
datasource | Situational data: Tanzania GovtBoundaries: UNOCHAPopulation data: National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) 2012 censusPhysical features: dataverse |
datum | WGS 1984 |
glideno | EQ-2016-000098-TZA |
jpgfilename | MA005_Affected_Wards_Popn_v2-300dpi.jpeg |
jpgfilesize | 2842262 |
jpgresolutiondpi | 300 |
kmlresolutiondpi | 50 |
kmzfilename | MA005_Affected_Wards_Popn_v2.kmz |
language | English |
location | Tanzania |
mapNumber | MA005 |
mxdfilename | MA005_Affected_Wards_with_Popn_v2 |
papersize | A3 |
pdffilename | MA005_Affected_Wards_Popn_v2-300dpi.pdf |
pdffilesize | 689527 |
pdfresolutiondpi | 300 |
proj | WGS 1984 UTM Zone 36S |
qclevel | Double checked |
ref | MA005_Affected_Wards_Popn_v2 |
scale | 1: 625,000 |
sourceorg | MapAction |
summary | Map shows the affected Wards with total population from the 2012 Census extracted from NBS report |
xmax | 414254.38 |
xmin | 208004.38 |
ymax | 9902896.04 |
ymin | 9729771.04 |