Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) - Percentage Affected population as of ...
Map shows percentage affected population by Municipality, DROMIC Report No. 20. Areas where no data has been reported are in white. Also shown is predicted storm surge > 0.5 m -
India: Tropical Cyclone Phailin and Flood -Selected Vulnerablity Indicators i...
Map shows the selected population demographics taken from the 2011 census at block level, for the districts that have been identified as affected by Tropical Cyclone Phailin and... -
Paraguay: Inundaciones - Evaluacion UNDAC Ñeembucú (20-23 de Junio 2014)
El mapa muestra los areas/sitios elegidos para la evaluacion UNDAC. -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed hou...
Map shows the numbers of affected population by district as a proportion of the 2011 Census (using estimated household size to get population totals based on building damage) -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed ho...
The numbers here should be seen as indicative only. Analysis based on an estimate of the number of buildings destroyed (not including government buildings) and the average... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed hou...
Map shows an estimate of the population directly affected by the earthquake by using destroyed houses information from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Population... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed hou...
The numbers here should be seen as indicative only. Analysis based on an estimate of the number of buildings destroyed (not including government buildings) and the average... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Epicentres (up to 13 May 2015), 'Priority' and 'Additiona...
Map shows Priority Affected Districts as designated by the Government of Nepal in the week following the original earthquake, and additional affected districts designated on 10... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Emergency -Details of the affect on the population in Sin...
Four maps showing the numbers of dead, missing, injured, and rescued per Village Development Committe (VDC) or Municipality as reported by the District Disaster Rescue Committee... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Priority affected districts (as of 3 May 2015)
Map shows priority affected districts as designated by Government of Nepal -
Nepal: Earthquake - Gorkha District - Reported Deaths by Village Development ...
Map shows the numbers of deaths reported per VDC in Gorkha district. Figures were supplied by the local government office. Please note: Data is based on the best available... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed hou...
The numbers here should be seen as indicative only. Analysis based on an estimate of the number of buildings destroyed (not including government buildings) and the average... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Estimate of population directly affected by destroyed hou...
The numbers here should be seen as indicative only. Analysis based on an estimate of the number of buildings destroyed (not including government buildings) and the average... -
Nepal Kathmandu Earthquake. Deaths and Injuries by District (as of 3 May 2015)
Map shows numbers of deaths and injuries by district. White areas have zero numbers or no data. Map also shows earthquake epicentre. -
Nepal: Kathmandu Earthquake. Deaths and Injuries by District(as of 01 May 201...
Map shows numbers of deaths and injuries by district. White areas have zero numbers or no data. Map also shows epicentre. -
Nepal: Earthquake - Reported injuries in Nepal by district (as of 27 April 2015)
Map shows the early reported number of injuries by District in Nepal. -
Nepal: Earthquake - Reported deaths in Nepal by district (as of 27 April 2015)
Map shows the early reported number of deaths by District in Nepal. -
Yemen: TC Chapala - Reports of casualties in affected areas (as of 14 Nov 2015)
The map shows casualties in the three affected Governates and the Mukalla City District. It also reports on some health facilities affected by cyclone Chapala. -
Yemen: Tropical Cyclone Chapala and Megh - Displaced families by district (as...
The map shows preliminary displacement (IDP) figures identified through emergency tracking (DTM). Approximately 5,974 families have been displaced across 13 districts in the...