Affected provinces, population density and storm track (as of 17 December 2024)
Affected population by tropical cyclone Chido, showing population density, cumulative rainfall and storm track. -
Population density and predicted storm track (as of 15 December 2024)
Population density shown, based on Worldpop estimate for 2020. Population totals shown in province labels are 2017 totals from Mozambique INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatistica) -
Estimated population density (2020)
Population density shown, based on Worldpop estimate for 2020. Population totals shown in province labels are 2017 totals from Mozambique INE (Instituto Nacional de Estatistica) -
Baseline population
Population distribution drawn on map: 2020 estimate by Data for Good. Population totals labelled and population pyramid are from 2011 census published by Ministry of Finance,... -
Baseline population
Baseline Population: Population estimates from Population & Vital Statistics Report 2021. St. Vincent & the Grenadines Statistical Office -
Administrative 3 level baseline population for assessed parishes
These four parish maps show baseline population from data supplied by ODPEM at administrative level 3. The parishes were those selected for assessment by the UN and agencies. -
Situation Overview
Situation overview as of 08 July 2024. Showing settlements, baseline population, affected areas for assessment and populated evacuation centers -
Baseline population
Baseline Population: Map based on 2020 estimate from WorldPop. Table based on 2023 estimate from U.S. Census Bureau -
Population per settlement for district:
Population per settlement based on 2010 census data (Note urban population is estimated to have increased by 16% between 2011 - 2024) -
Baseline population for 2020 disaggregated by sex and age, by District
District-level (adm1) population from WorldPop (2020) disaggregated by sex and age -
Population density estimates for 2020 and population count estimates for 2023
Population density estimates for 2020 and population count estimates for 2023 -
Baseline population
Population density shown based on Worldpop estimates for 2020. Population totals in table and labels are based on data from Seychelles National Bureau of Statistics for each... -
Population Density with Baseline Population by District
The map shows population distribution based on WorldPop density estimates (2020). Each district is also labelled with the estimated baseline population count (2021). The chart... -
Population Density for Affected Provinces
Morocco population density for affected provinces at 1 km2 spatial distribution from 2020 WorldPop data. Tabular population data at province level supplied by Haut Commissaire... -
Flood Extent (02 Dec) and Baseline Population for South Somalia
The maps show the flood extent combined with population density to highlight potentially affected areas. The table shows the estimated baseline population by district (2021).... -
Flood Extents (As of 02 Dec 2023) and Baseline Population
Table shows estimated baseline population in 2022 for affected regions in South Somalia. Population distribution shown on map is based on Worldpop estimate for 2020. Flood... -
Baseline population
Population density shown on the map is based on 2020 estimates by Worldpop. Counts in table are based on estimates for 2023 by the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA)