Mozambique: Cyclone Idai: Identified highly impacted areas with food drops, a...
Situation map showing areas of high impact, assessment locations, access and food drops to date. As at 9 April 2019. -
Mozambique - Cyclone Idai: Manica Province - Number of people affected by los...
The map shows the likely number of people effected by loss of crops. -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - results and analysis of aerial survey as of 29th M...
UNDAC and IFRC survey started 23rd March and will continue until finished -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - results and analysis of aerial survey as of 29th M...
UNDAC and IFRC survey started 23rd March and will continue until finished -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - results and analysis of aerial survey as of 28th M...
UNDAC and IFRC surey started 23rd March and will continue until finished -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - Manica province population affected by District (...
This map shows the population affected by district for Manica province -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - 2nd, 3rd and 4th level health facilities, flood ex...
Map shows the population (based on WorldPop at 100m resolution generating through AI) and the Flood Extents known as of 19/20 March 2019 plus Health facilities -
Mozambique: Cyclone Idai - Manica province population affected by District (a...
This map shows the population affected by district for Manica province -
Cyclone Idai: Flood extent and baseline population
Map shows the population (based on WorldPop at 100m resolution generating through AI) and the Flood Extents known as of 19/20 March 2019