Bahamas: Hurricane Matthew - Baseline - Population 2010 Supervisory Districts

2010 Census Population for Supervisory Districts (represented as points). Data from Statoids derived from Bahamas Department of Statistics

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated 7 October 2016, 09:12 (UTC+00:00)
Created 7 October 2016, 00:24 (UTC+00:00)
access Public
countries BAHAMAS
createdate 2016-10-06 11:19:35
createtime 23:19
datasource Population: STATOIDS (from GoB)Hurricane Track: NOAA/NHCBoundaries: GADM, OSMSettlements: NGAPhysical features: GADM
datum WGS 1984
jpgfilename MA004_Population2010-300dpi.jpeg
jpgfilesize 1216269
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
kmzfilename MA004_Population2010.kmz
language English
location Bahamas
mapNumber MA004
mxdfilename MA004_Population2010
papersize A3
pdffilename MA004_Population2010-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 889930
pdfresolutiondpi 300
proj WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N
qclevel Local
ref MA004_Population2010
scale 1: 2,843,882
sourceorg MapAction
summary 2010 Census Population for Supervisory Districts (represented as points) . Data from Statoids derived from Bahamas Department of Statistics
xmax 936727.99
xmin -1540.19
ymax 3065632.51
ymin 2278055.88