Map shows the coordination zones (1-6) that have been set up by the local DDC and NGO's, these are primarily based on access for distribution. Sectors A, B and C are projected damage areas but do not reflect most affected or most in need. Also shown are the distribution hubs for each zone. Each VDC was assigned a letter by government after aerial assessments. Values were based on projected estimated damage figures for those VDC's. A = > 80%B = 50 - 80%C = < 50% These values were assigned to assist the initial emergency and do not reflect the VDC's most in need. P-Codes are shown for each VDC. These omit the values for region and zones. e.g. Bakrang VDC full code is 524 3 07 36 5 010, only 36 5 010 is labelled.