Grenadines Health Facilities and Districts

Overview map of the Grenadines showing Health Facilities, Districts and major roads.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 2
Last Updated July 11, 2024, 17:12 (UTC)
Created July 11, 2024, 17:12 (UTC)
access Public
accessnotes None
countries Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
createdate 2024-07-11 13:01:08
createtime 13:01
datasource PAHO, Physical Planning Unit, St Vincent and the Grenadines Government, OSM, OurAirports, GADM, World Port Index.
datum WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20N / WGS 1984
donor Supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
glideno TC-2024-000105-VCT
jpgfilename MA017-v02-vct--grenadines-health_districts-300dpi.jpg
jpgfilesize 964472
jpgresolutiondpi 300
language English
language_iso2 en
layout them_port
location Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
mapBookMode Single PDF
mapNumber MA017
papersize A3
pdffilename MA017-v02-vct--grenadines-health_districts-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 836515
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
productName Grenadines Health Facilities and Districts
proj WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_20N
qclevel Local
scale 1: 160,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary Overview map of the Grenadines showing Health Facilities, Districts and major roads.
timezone UTC-04:00
xmax 1617677.0
xmin -147983.92
ymax 2182775.37
ymin 734793.01