Pakistan Population: Gender Ratio (2010 Projection)
This map is based on the 1998 census, which was projected to 2010. Yellow represents population with equal ratio of females and males, blue indicates more females than males,... -
Pakistan: OCHA hubs in Sindh province
Map shows OCHA hubs in Sindh province, with districts classified according to location in northern or southern sectors. -
Pakistan: Sindh Flood Extent (27 Aug 2010)
Map shows OCHA hubs in Sindh province complete with districts and flood extents as of 27 August 2010 -
Pakistan: Population Density (2010 Projection) in relation to Flood extent (2...
Map shows population density at district level relative to the flood extent as determined on 27 August 2010. -
Pakistan Flood Extent (27 Aug 2010) and Flood Affected Districts (31 Aug 2010)
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Pakistan / Kyber - Pakhtunkhwa: Flood Extent (27 August 2010) and Flood Affec...
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Pakistan / Punjab: Flood Extent (27 August 2010) and Flood Affected Districts...
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Pakistan / Sindh: Flood Extent (27 Aug 2010) and Flood Affected Districts (26...
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Pakistan - Indus Catchment River Flow Levels - 30 August 2010
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Pakistan: Flood Affected Districts (30 August 2010)
Map showing flood affected districts - indicating severe and moderate flooding. Table within the map includes provides numbers by province of deaths, injured, houses damaged,... -
Pakistan Administrative Divisions and Flood Affected Districts - 26 August 2010
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Pakistan - Indus Catchment River Flow Levels 26 August 2010
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Pakistan Administrative Divisions and Flood Affected Districts - 24 August 2010
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Pakistan Nutrition Cluster - Who, What, Where by Province - 19 August 2010
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Pakistan Cluster Overview - Who, What, Where by Province - 19 August 2010
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Pakistan Health Cluster - Who, What, Where by District - 19 August 2010
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Pakistan Indus Catchment River Flow Levels - 25 August 2010
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Pakistan Emergency Shelter Cluster - Who, What, Where by District - 19 August...
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Pakistan Administrative Divisions and Flood Affected Districts - 24 August 2010
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Pakistan Indus Catchment River Flow Levels - 24 August 2010
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