Number of persons with disabilities per Commune
Map shows the total number of persons with disabilities per Commune and, where available, disaggregated by age and gender. -
Aid item distribution in the NFI sector (as of 4th September 2021)
Map showing aid items distribution in the NFI sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Aid item distribution in the WASH sector (as of 4th September 2021)
Map showing aid items distribution in the WASH sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Aid item distribution in the shelter sector (as of 4th September 2021)
Map showing aid items distribution in the shelter sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Aid item distribution in the food sector (as of 4th September 2021)
Map showing aid items distribution in the food sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Aid distribution recieved in health sector (as of 4th September 2021)
Map showing whether aid has been received in the health sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Number of persons with disabilities per Commune
Map shows the total number of persons with disabilities per Commune and, where available, disaggregated by age and gender. -
Earthquake Casualties and Damage - Figures received on 24/08/2021
Département: Map showing earthquake damage and casualties with numbers from the Haitian Civil Protection General Directorate (DGPC). Figures were received on 24 Aug 2021. -
Aid distribution by sector
Map showing aid distribution by sector and total population counts for communes in Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. -
Map series showing location of health facilities and known damage status (as ...
Map series showing health facilities with level of damage in the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. Map based upon data published by PAHO accessed on 31/08/2021 -
Number of persons with disabilities per Commune
Map shows the total number of persons with disabilities per Commune and, where available, disaggregated by age and gender. -
Top Priorities by Commune, as listed by respondents in EDAB assessment. Depar...
Summary of responses in EDAB assessment to question listing 5 greatest priorities. Ordering does not accurately show ranking of priorities Assessment data aggregated to Section... -
Map showing location of health facilities and known damage status (as of 03 S...
Map showing health facilities with level of damage in the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. Map based upon data published by PAHO accessed on 31/08/2021 -
Top non-food item priorities by Commune, as named by respondents in Tearfund ...
Summary of responses in Tearfund assessment to question 'What are your top three non-food item priorities?' (Multiple respondents were interviewed in each Commune and charts... -
Top shelter concerns by Commune, as named by respondents in Tearfund assessme...
Summary of responses in Tearfund assessment to question 'What are your top three shelter concerns?' (Multiple respondents were interviewed in each Commune and charts represent... -
Map showing location of health facilities and known damage status (as of 03 S...
Map showing health facilities with level of damage in the departments of Grand'Anse, Nippes and Sud. Map based upon data published by PAHO accessed on 31/08/2021 -
Who, What, Where - Sud Département by Commune for Health Sector (as at 01 Sep...
Map shows who is doing what and where by Commune in Sud Département for Health sector. Governmental and National NGO's are listed in bold text, with International responding... -
Who, What, Where - Sud Département by Commune for Shelter Sector (as at 01 Se...
Map shows who is doing what and where by Commune in Sud Département for Shelter sector. Governmental and National NGO's are listed in bold text, with International responding... -
Who, What, Where - Sud Département by Commune for WASH Sector (as at 01 Sept ...
Map shows who is doing what and where by Commune in Sud Département for WASH sector. Governmental and National NGO's are listed in bold text, with International responding... -
Haiti: Who, What, Where - Sud Département by Commune and Sector (as at 1 Sept...
Map shows who is doing what and where by Commune in Sud Département. Governmental and National NGOs are listed in bold text, with international responding agencies listed in...