Union of the Comoros Floods Moheli - Villages with reported problems
Map showing reported problems in villages on Island of Moheli, Comoros. -
Union des Comores Inondations Grande Comore Situation du jour 4 mai 2012
Map showing flood affected population and status of affected transport infrastructure, as of 4 May 2012. [In French] -
Union des Comores Inondations Moheli Situation du jour 4 mai 2012
Situation map for Moheli as of 4 May 2012. [In French] -
Union des Comores: Inondations - Anjouan Situation du jour 4 mai 2012
Situation map of Anjouan as of 4 May 2012. [In French] -
Union des Comores Inondations Infrastructures affectees Grande Comore
Map shows damaged infrastructure on Grande Comore. [In French]. -
Union of the Comoros: Floods - Affected Infrastructure on Grande Comore
Affected Infrastructure as of 25 April 2012