Country Overview

Country overview showing administrative boundaries, main settlements, transport infrastructure and natural features

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated April 11, 2023, 13:50 (UTC)
Created April 11, 2023, 13:50 (UTC)
access Public
accessnotes None
countries Zimbabwe
createdate 2023-04-04 16:51:36
createtime 16:51
datasource United Nations; OSM; Natural Earth; GMTED; Our Airports, Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency
datum WGS 1984
donor Supported by USAID.
jpgfilename MA001-v01-zwe-country-overview-300dpi.jpg
jpgfilesize 1793601
jpgresolutiondpi 300
language English
language_iso2 en
layout pro-3.0_reference_landscape_side
location Zimbabwe
mapBookMode Single PDF
mapNumber MA001
papersize A3
pdffilename MA001-v01-zwe-country-overview-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 2577005
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
productName Country Overview
proj WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_35S
qclevel Local
scale 1: 160,000,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary Country overview showing administrative boundaries, main settlements, transport infrastructure and natural features
timezone UTC+02:00
xmax 2681859.59
xmin -738249.73
ymax 8982859.12
ymin 6752353.04