Food status: kgs delivered in last 5 days and remaining days supplies (up to 08 Oct 2017)

Map shows food status and gap analysis up to 8th October 2017

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated October 10, 2017, 18:42 (UTC)
Created October 10, 2017, 18:41 (UTC)
access Public
countries DOMINICA
createdate 2017-10-10 10:21:55
createtime 10:21
datasource Data Sources:, 2011 Dominica Census,OSM, EOC, International Community, UNDAC, WFP
datum WGS 1984
glideno TS-2017-000136-DMA
jpgfilename MA627_Food_Gaps_Analysis_v1-300dpi.jpeg
jpgfilesize 2236268
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
kmzfilename MA627_Food_Gaps_Analysis_v1.kmz
language English
location Dominica
mapNumber MA627
mxdfilename MA627_Food_Gaps_Analysis_v1
papersize A3
pdffilename MA627_Food_Gaps_Analysis_v1-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 1057049
pdfresolutiondpi 300
qclevel Double checked
ref MA627_Food_Gaps_Analysis_v1
scale 1: 200,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary Map shows food and water distributions on 28th September 2017
xmax -61.23
xmin -61.59
ymax 15.64
ymin 15.17