MapAction Tanzania Data Scramble (as at 17 Sep 2016)

List of geodatasets collected for MapAction’s earthquake response deployment to Tanzania, 17/09/2016. These are intended for initial field mapping rather than being a comprehensive listing. Other datasets from the deployment will be published as they become available.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 21, 2016, 14:49 (UTC)
Created September 20, 2016, 09:36 (UTC)
comments_caveats also available on Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
countries Tanzania
createdate 20/09/2016 10:00
createtime 10:00
datasource MapAction
methodology MapAction's Data Scramble
sourceorg MapAction
syndicate true
syndicated_id 82efdfa4-87a1-422d-a3b0-95f1975e353a