Sudan: Status of schools between 16 Februray 2020 and 30 June 2021

Infographic shows when schools have been open and closed and for how many days in total.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated August 25, 2021, 03:38 (UTC)
Created August 25, 2021, 03:37 (UTC)
access Public
countries Sudan
createdate 2021-06-30 18:00:00
createtime 18:00
datasource UNESCO
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
language English
language-iso2 en
mapNumber ma8004
papersize A3
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
ref ma8004-sudan-education-01.mxd
sourceorg MapAction
summary Infographic shows when schools have been open and closed and for how many days in total.