Showing roads and settlements as an overview for Freeport City and McCleans Town

Simple map showing roads, settlements, ports and airports

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 2
Last Updated September 13, 2019, 20:55 (UTC)
Created September 13, 2019, 20:53 (UTC)
countries The Bahamas
createdate 2019-09-13 04:41:00
createtime 16:41
datasource BNGIS, OSM, OurAirports
datum WGS 1984
glideno TC-2019-000095-BHS
jpgfilesize 0
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
language English
language-iso2 Undetermined
mapNumber MA077
mxdfilename MA077_Grand_Bahama_Settlement_DDP_v02.mxd
papersize Custom
pdffilename MA077_Grand_Bahama_Settlement_DDP_v02*.pdf
pdffilesize 0
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
proj WGS 1984 UTM Zone 18N
ref MA077_Grand_Bahama_Settlement_DDP_v02
scale 1: 75,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary Simple map showing roads, settlements, ports and airports
xmax -78.53
xmin -78.84
ymax 26.62
ymin 26.43