Philippines Tropical Storm Washi (Sendong) Number of Latrines in each Evacuation Centre compared with Population, Iligan

This map shows the number of latrines available in the evacuation centres of Iligan relative to the population of the centres, as of 12 January 2012. Centres with insufficient latrines to meet Sphere standards are highlighted.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 29, 2016, 10:49 (UTC)
Created July 4, 2016, 14:50 (UTC)
access Public
accessnotes Public
countries The Philippines
createdate 26/01/2012 00:00
createtime 17:00:00
date 26/01/2012 00:00
datum WGS84
format NULL
glide-num TC-2011-000189-PHL
glideno TC-2011-000189-PHL
imagerydate 0000-00-00 00:00:00
jpgfilesize 1350960
jpgresolutiondpi 300
keywords NULL
language English
map_box_br -30,45
map_box_tl 30,-45
mxdfilename MA029_PHL_WASHNoLatrines_Iligan_A3_v8.mxd
original NULL
papersize A3
paperxmax 124.481
paperxmin 124.052
paperymax 8.4757
paperymin 8.0756
pdffilesize 636219
pdfresolutiondpi 300
proj Geographic
qclevel Checked by MapAction
qcname Hamish
ref MA029-PHL-WASHNoLatrines-Iligan-A3-v8
reference NULL
size 1350960
sourceorg MapAction
theme WASH Latrines
xmax 124.464
xmin 124.067
ymax 8.4595
ymin 8.1604
zoom 0