Map of shake intensity level (MMI) and impacted population by Province
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | |
Version | 1 |
Last Updated | September 13, 2023, 15:55 (UTC) |
Created | September 13, 2023, 15:54 (UTC) |
access | Public |
accessnotes | None |
countries | Morocco |
createdate | 2023-09-12 |
createtime | 19:39 |
datasource | United Nations, OpenStreetMap, USGS, WorldPop (WorldPop data is constrained, UN-adjusted, for year 2020, and rounded to the nearest hundred) |
datum | WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_29N / WGS 1984 |
donor | Supported by the German Federal Foreign Office. |
glideno | EQ-2023-000166-MAR |
hazardCategory | Earthquake |
hazardType | Geophysical |
jpgfilename | MA014-v01-mar-adm2-affected-population-300dpi.jpg |
jpgfilesize | 1801826 |
jpgresolutiondpi | 300 |
language | English |
language_iso2 | en |
layout | them_landsc |
location | Morocco |
mapBookMode | Single PDF |
mapNumber | MA014 |
mapProductType | Infrastructure |
papersize | A3 |
pdffilename | MA014-v01-mar-adm2-affected-population-300dpi.pdf |
pdffilesize | 1413881 |
pdfresolutiondpi | 300 |
product-type | mapsheet |
productCategory | Critical Infrastructure |
productName | Map of shake intensity level (MMI) and impacted population by Province |
proj | WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_29N |
qclevel | Local |
scale | 1: 1,350,000 |
sourceorg | MapAction |
summary | Map showing sex-disaggregated and total population for the 6 affected Provinces |
timezone | UTC+01:00 |
xmax | 841312.0 |
xmin | 418116.79 |
ymax | 3593912.14 |
ymin | 3299905.7 |