Population Density
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Source | https://maps.mapaction.org/dataset/2023-ken-001-ma011-v1-b9d4a0b9-2907-4344-a53d-c3a536b6f19b |
Version | 1 |
Last Updated | July 5, 2023, 08:40 (UTC) |
Created | July 5, 2023, 08:39 (UTC) |
access | Public |
accessnotes | None |
countries | Kenya |
createdate | 2023-07-04 13:55:46 |
createtime | 13:55 |
datasource | Natural Earth, IEBC, KNBS, UN, GADM, WorldPop |
datum | WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_37N / WGS 1984 |
donor | Supported by the Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs. |
glideno | DR-2022-000322-KEN |
jpgfilename | MA011-v01-ken-population-density-300dpi.jpg |
jpgfilesize | 2005084 |
jpgresolutiondpi | 300 |
language | English |
language_iso2 | en |
layout | pro-3.0_reference_landscape_side |
location | Kenya |
mapBookMode | Single PDF |
mapNumber | MA011 |
papersize | A3 |
pdffilename | MA011-v01-ken-population-density-300dpi.pdf |
pdffilesize | 2237053 |
pdfresolutiondpi | 300 |
product-type | mapsheet |
productName | Population Density |
proj | WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_37N |
qclevel | Local |
scale | 1: 4,400,000 |
sourceorg | MapAction |
summary | The map shows the spatial distribution of population density in 2020 from WorldPop. The data is based on country totals adjusted to match the corresponding UNPD estimates. Tabular population per county estimates (2019) are from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. |
timezone | UTC+03:00 |
xmax | 13540461.73 |
xmin | -13540461.73 |
ymax | 9613564.34 |
ymin | -9984472.37 |