Map of EU activities in Sud

This map gives the location, images and type of EU Civil Defence Modules deploy in Haiti.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Version 1
Last Updated September 12, 2021, 17:31 (UTC)
Created September 12, 2021, 17:24 (UTC)
countries Haiti
createdate 2021-09-12 04:20:41
createtime 16:20
datasource Data Sources:UN OCHA - Admin boundariesOpenStreetMap - Settlements
datum WGS 1984
glideno EQ-2021-000116-HTI
jpgfilename MA041- Map of EU activities in Sud-300dpi.jpeg
jpgfilesize 1455094
jpgresolutiondpi 300
kmlresolutiondpi 50
kmzfilename MA041- Map of EU activities in Sud.kmz
language English
language-iso2 en
mapNumber MA041 v01
mxdfilename MA041- Map of EU activities in Sud.mxd
papersize A3
pdffilename MA041- Map of EU activities in Sud-300dpi.pdf
pdffilesize 2879368
pdfresolutiondpi 300
product-type mapsheet
ref MA041- Map of EU activities in Sud
scale 1: 250,000
sourceorg MapAction
summary Map give the location and type of EU Civil Defence Modules deploy in Haiti.
xmax -73.34
xmin -74.24
ymax 18.51
ymin 18.05