Country overview
Country overview map showing main settlements, transport links, elevation, water features and administrative boundaries -
Population distribution years 2000, 2010 and 2020
Population distribution years 2000, 2010 and 2020 based on 100m resolution WorldPop estimates -
Affected Population by District (as of 18 August 2022)
District population baseline and graph shows the split between females and males -
District population baseline
District population baseline and graph shows the split between females and males -
Baseline population and reported flood extent
Baseline population and reported flood extent as of 10 august 2022 -
Country overview
Country overview map showing main settlements, transport links, elevation, water features and administrative boundaries -
Regional boundaries with settlements, major transport and water features
Country overview map showing main settlements, transport links, water features and administrative boundaries -
Regional population baseline
Regional population baseline and graph shows the split between females and males -
Country overview of Bangladesh
Country overview showing main settlements, transport links and natural features -
Country overview of Romania
Map shows major settlements, transport links and physical features of Romania. -
Map of Transport Infrastructure and Border Crossings
Map showing transport links and border crossings. -
Transport links to settlements from Chernivisti
Map showing transport links to settlements around Chernivisti