Nepal: Earthquake - Sindhupalchok - Percentage of destroyed buildings
Map shows the percentage of buildings destroyed in each Village Development Committee (VDC). The VDC names on the map are followed by the percentage destroyed and the percentage... -
Nepal Earthquake:Intensity of the two major earthquakes by VDC
USGS Intensity Contours of both major earthquakes (25/04 and 12/05) overlaid on VDC (Admin 4) boundaries. The maximum intensity was then attributed to each VDC. Note that whole... -
Nepal: Earthquake - Population in areas without vehicular access in areas aff...
Map shows population in VDCs and those reported to have no vehiclar access, in areas likely to have been affected by both the 25 April and the 12 May earthquakes. Access data... -
Nepal: Kathmandu Earthquake. Collapsed and partially damaged public buildings...
Map shows numbers of collapsed and partially damaged public buildings by district. White areas have zero numbers, grey areas have no data. Map also shows earthquake epicentre.