Indonesia: Sumatra Earthquake - Shelter Cluster - Non Food Item Distribution Gap Analysis as at 28 Oct 2009 Indonesia: Gempa Sumatra Shelter Cluster - Distribusi Barang Bukan Makanan Analisa Gap pada 28 Okt 2009

(1)The charts show the proportion of households (HHs) that are receiving non food items (NFI) versus the numbers of (severe and moderate) earthquake-damaged houses, at sub-district level. (2)The background shows the proportion of earthquake-damaged houses versus population, or the density of damage. (3)The data on non food item distributions is that which has been reported to the Shelter Cluster (by 27 October 2009). It includes distributions by the GoI, local and international NGOs and PMI. There are gaps and inaccuracies in this data, such that the map shows does not show fully or precisely all emergency shelter distributions. In the case of data on GoI distributions, only provincial-level has used and extrapolated to sub-district level. (4)The data on earthquake-damaged houses is that which has been published by the GoI (by 15 October 2009). This data is only at district level and so, for the purpose of this map, has been extrapolated to sub-district level. (5)The data on population is from the GoI, 2008.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated July 29, 2016, 10:44 (UTC)
Created July 4, 2016, 14:43 (UTC)
access Humanitarian
createdate 28/10/2009 00:00
createtime 12:30:00
date 02/11/2009 10:18
datum WGS84
format NULL
glide-num EQ-2009-000001-IDN
glideno EQ-2009-000043-IDN
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jpgfilesize 1334792
jpgresolutiondpi 300
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mxdfilename MA081-IDN-ShelterCluster-Damage-NFI-28Oct2009-A3-v01.mxd
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ref MA081-IDN-ShelterDamageNFI-28Oct2009-A3-v01
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